tirsdag den 5. oktober 2010


One more down. An ocean or two yet to go... But I did it! ;-)

mandag den 4. oktober 2010

Vegetarian!:D part. 3

Well my dream about becoming a flexitarian is not going to work out.. You see, these past few weeks, I havn't eaten meat at all. An then when I suddenly ate it again, I got really bad stomach ache. So It's not a good idea, shifting like that. Right know, I've lots of stuff on my mind, so I'm not going to purchase another goal in that direction. I'm just going to go back to my normal diet for a while, and then maybe I'll try again in a few weeks ;-)

pic is from: stomachachetreatment.com
xoxo Lullaby!

søndag den 3. oktober 2010

Dear John...

I have been waiting for this book in like forever, so of course I was ecstatic
when the library wrote me that it had come.
I'm not long into it, but I'll definitely give you a review, when I'm done. :)

It's Dear John - Nicholas Sparks.

xoxo Lullaby!

Candy lips... (:

xoxo Lullaby!

Vegetarian!:D part. 2

It has been hard! I have really been missing meat... I think I'm going to end it. But not for real. I'm going to make a way of living as a Flexitarian. I'll mix between Meat and vegetarian diet. In sessions of 2 weeks. :)
See how that goes ;)

pic from sheknows.com

Xoxo Lullaby!